Monday, May 12, 2008


The following is a statement of belief by one of the professor's at Waterloo University that he sent to me after getting to know one of the young man formerly of Desert Stream, who is now attending Waterloo University.

Hello Glenn,

Jesus Christ is the creator and sustainer of the universe and each creature in it, that he is infinitely large and infinitely small, hence the most intimate.... of beings, to which each of us his creatures has access. He was before, has always been within, and will be after time.

He is my life.

He is the only way to God, for as he said, "No man comes unto the Father but by me."

I am quite orthodox in my Christian faith, I accept responsibility for my sins, and the consequences thereof, and I acknowledge that my only hope is confession, repentance and forgiveness by Jesus Christ, on the basis of his incarnation, life, crucifixion and resurrection. His life and death for my sake is the basis of my forgiveness.

My life is an ongoing daily challenge in spiritual growth, which means in compassion for my fellow creatures, in meditation and prayer, and in the use of the gifts and talents and training which Jesus Christ has given me. I completely trust that God in Christ is the judge of all the earth, that he is both entirely just and entirely merciful, that he knows the inmost thoughts of each of us his creatures, that his Holy Spirit dwells within those who are his disciples, warning, encouraging, comforting, leading, protecting.

I believe in the fellowship of believers, which I have experienced in my travels across the world, a fellowship independent of race or culture or age or language or education or intelligence or worldly rank.

Christ is my life.

John North

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