Saturday, March 29, 2008



Some people say, the invisible world is much bigger and more profound than the visible world.

Test yourself to see if you have any connection to the invisible world.

Know that your body is part of the visible world.
Your senses try to explain the visible world to your mind.
Your soul is the part of you that connects your mind to the visible world through your senses.

Your spirit is the part of you that connects your mind to the invisible world without benefit of senses. We have seen that the senses are somewhat unreliable. Your connection to the invisible world is more reliable.

Ask yourself what gives you a thrill.
1. There is team spirit, school spirit, hero worship, beauty, accomplishment or anything we hold in awe. Have you been thrilled by a movie, a sight, and adventure or just looking at big mountains. It thrilled me to stand on top of a mountain.
If you have enjoyed any of these you have had your first tour into the invisible world. The more you do it the more you will enjoy it. Go ahead enjoy the invisible world.

2. The Big Bang theory explains the way in the universe began. It Is evidence of an invisible world. If this theory is true, and there is strong evidence that it is, it proves an invisible world.

If the universe was formed by evolution it would take billions and billions of years.

Because the universe began instantly an invisible something started it. That something is part of the invisible world.

One of the best decisions you will ever make is to accept and explore the invisible world.

1 comment:

Protege said...

Robert April 3rd, 2008 at 6:51 pm
OK, Glenny, try this,
‘I cannot:
1. See God,
2. Feel God,
3. Smell God,
4. Hear God,
5. Taste God.
Therefore, I have no evidence for God, because none of all of my abilities that tell me about the physical world can detect him. If God does exist, he clearly doesn’t want me to know. Fine by me!
Now, you may note I say ‘physical world’. You postulate an unseeable or spiritual world. Tell me then, what…’sixth sense’ must one use in order to detect aspects of, or sense this spiritual world?
Now, let me point out something to you. You say our five senses can trick us. Nope! Wrong. Our eyes, ears, noses, taste buds and nerves only have the ability respond to input. Namely light, sound waves, bits of stuff suspended in the air/in our mouths, and kinetic energy respectively, and send the appropriate signals to our brains.
Our brains are the things that do the tricking. Whats that moving about in the night? It moves, it stinks, it makes weird grunting noises, it…ITS A MONSTER! RUN! RUUUUN!!!! RUUUUOh, no wait its an escaped piggy from a farm.
Our brains mistranslate input from our honest senses. They have the ability to project things into our mentally generated simulations of our surrounding environment that are not there. Can you see where I’m going with this? God. People interpret the world around them, tell each other certain things, and end up projecting gods and other mythological paraphinalia into their perceptions of reality. You tell me our senses make mistakes, so we can’t rely on them? I tell you that our brains make mistakes, and that it is our brains that we cannot rely on: we must train our brains to be as logical and conservative as possible with the sensory data coming in, and it can be a hell of a job training them to be logical enough to not assume things like pig-monsters exist when the night is dark and the alcohol is strong.
QED, fellah.