Thursday, October 9, 2008



How can we be alive when we are just a collection of dead atoms? Plainly we are NOT just atoms. The Bible says we ARE LIVING SOULS made by God – we are alive because we ARE souls. We ARE conscious because we ARE souls. The moment your soul departs, you die – that’s what death IS. Death IS the departure of your soul and spirit. Stop and think what a wondrous and marvelous thing consciousness IS. The properties of matter cannot possibly explain our life of consciousness.  

Consider this also. You are just getting into your car when that "something" – that “entity” inside you reminds you; you left your briefcase on the kitchen table. Notice, that this "entity” knew you were getting into your car, it knew your day would go poorly without that briefcase, and so this "entity" decided to intervene in your conscious thoughts to suggest you go back and get the briefcase. Plainly, this "something" inside you knows you and your every move, and does actual reasoning concerning your life. Notice to, it communicated TO you.  Your mind was on other things, when this entity interrupted you.

 This is your human SPIRIT that God provided to assist and guide your soul. Your SPIRIT scans your mind and talks TO your SOUL.  We are body, soul and spirit.  We ARE marvelously created moral beings.

Ken Clark