Thursday, October 9, 2008



How can we be alive when we are just a collection of dead atoms? Plainly we are NOT just atoms. The Bible says we ARE LIVING SOULS made by God – we are alive because we ARE souls. We ARE conscious because we ARE souls. The moment your soul departs, you die – that’s what death IS. Death IS the departure of your soul and spirit. Stop and think what a wondrous and marvelous thing consciousness IS. The properties of matter cannot possibly explain our life of consciousness.  

Consider this also. You are just getting into your car when that "something" – that “entity” inside you reminds you; you left your briefcase on the kitchen table. Notice, that this "entity” knew you were getting into your car, it knew your day would go poorly without that briefcase, and so this "entity" decided to intervene in your conscious thoughts to suggest you go back and get the briefcase. Plainly, this "something" inside you knows you and your every move, and does actual reasoning concerning your life. Notice to, it communicated TO you.  Your mind was on other things, when this entity interrupted you.

 This is your human SPIRIT that God provided to assist and guide your soul. Your SPIRIT scans your mind and talks TO your SOUL.  We are body, soul and spirit.  We ARE marvelously created moral beings.

Ken Clark 

Monday, September 1, 2008


Every person at one time in life must make the decision that the disciple Matthew made when Jesus came to talk to him. That decision is, "Will I continue to walk after the flesh, or will I determine to walk up to the spirit?"
For those who meet Jesus that decision is relatively easy. The difficult part comes when we try to decide how to walk after the spirit. Paul faces the problem in Romans 8:4, where Paul says, "do not walk after the flesh but after the Spirit." Every person wants to walk after the Spirit rather then after the flesh, but we do not know how. The main purpose for Jesus coming to earth is to teach us how to walk after the Spirit.
When Matthew met Jesus he learned how to walk after God's Spirit. I will pick some important ideas from Matthew's insight to help you to understand better how to walk after God's Spirit. I hope you will take part by adding your comments. Go to:

Take this opportunity to learn what Matthew learned from Jesus.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The following clocks point to a young earth, solar system, and universe. Taken together, they suggest that the earth is quite young -- probably less than 10,000 years old.

Clock--------------- Age Estimate
1. Receding Moon 750 m.y.a. max
2. Oil Pressure 5,000 - 10,000 years
3. The Sun 1,000,000 years max
4. The Oldest Living Thing 4,900 years max
5. Helium in the Atmosphere 1,750,000 years max
6. Short Period Comets 5,000 - 10,000 years
7. The Earth's Magnetic Field 10,000 years max
8. C-14 Dating of Dino Bones 10,000 - 50,000 years
9A. Dinosaur Blood and Ancient DNA 5,000 - 50,000 years
9B. Unfossilized Dinosaur Bones 5,000 - 50,000 years
9C. 165 Million Year Old Ligaments 5,000 - 50,000 years
10. Axel Heiberg Island 5,000 - 10,000 years
11. Carbon-14 in Atmosphere 10,000 years max
12. The Dead Sea 13,000 years max
13. Niagara Falls 5,000 - 8,800 years max
14. Historical Records 5,000 years max
15. The San Andreas Fault 5,000 - 10,000 years
16. Mitochondrial Eve 6,500 years
17. Population Growth 10,000 years max
18. Minerals in the Oceans Various (mostly young) Ages
19. Rapid Mountain Uplift Less than 10 million years
20. Carbon 14 from "Old" Sources 10,000 to 50,000 years
21. Dark Matter and Spiral Galaxies 100 - 500 million years (max)
22. Helium and lead in Zircons 6,000 years

Read More:


Ian Juby videos

There is a group of 23 videos, number 23 is the first one produced it is mainly audio.
I would suggest you start by seeing 22 then 21 etc. They are made by Ian Juby. He is at a very smart fellow from chalk River Ontario. He is part of creation Museum in Big Valley Alberta he has is his own mobile creation Museum. He calls his talk complete creation and he has really good understanding of geology and fossils.

His videos are designed to help you to understand that the earth, the solar system and the universe is only 6000 years old. Jesus spoke the word and the earth came into existence. If Jesus rose from the dead, speaking the earth into existence in an instant is no problem.

The world we live in is convinced, wrongly, that the universe is billions of years old. You need to be convinced otherwise. Ian Juby has the information to do it. His videos are very convincing. It is from a Canadian standpoint.

Everybody should see these videos over and over until they have the facts memorized.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Dr. Gary Parker
Former atheist and evolutionist, now a great Bible-defending communicator!
Dr Parker began his teaching career as an atheist and evolutionist! En route to his degrees in biology/chemistry, biology/physiology and then an Ed.D. in Biology/Geology (Ball State), Dr Parker earned several academic awards, including admission to Phi Beta Kappa (the prestigious national scholastic society), election to the American Society of Zoologists (for his research on tadpoles) and a fifteen-month fellowship award from the National Science Foundation. He has published five programmed textbooks in biology and six books on origins science (the latter have been translated into eight languages), has appeared in numerous films/TV programs and has debated and lectured worldwide on creation.

Hear and see Gary tell you the facts at:

Friday, June 13, 2008



Worldview is defined as a perspective derived from a collection of knowledge, information, facts and ideas gained about life and the universe that are held by an individual or a group.

How is a worldview acquired?

Good knowledge, information, facts and ideas come from God.
Evil knowledge, information, facts and ideas come from Satan.

God has set up two pipelines from heaven to earth for the purpose of moving information from God to man.

1. One of the pipelines he has called the tree of life.
2. The other pipeline he refers to as the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

These were actual trees in the Garden of Eden but they also represent a means by which God can transfer information from himself to the mind of man.

The Tree of Life pipeline is under close scrutiny and control by God. It is closed to the general public. It is open only to the family of God. God's family are not free to pick fruit from the tree of life, the fruit can only be received by them as a gift from God.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a pipeline that all people can use. God supplies the information to it at his discretion, and people are free to pick knowledge to his hearts content. God is in control of the supply, people have the control of receiving the information and using it for their own benefit. The weakness of this pipeline is in the fact that Satan has the option of contaminating the information with evil. Satan keeps himself busy doing just that.

Using the tree of knowledge of good and evil we all have built a wide variety of worldviews. The three main worldviews that have determined the thinking in the Western civilization might be referred to as the worldview from—Rome, Athens, or Jerusalem.

The Worldview of Rome
The worldview of Rome is characterized by MIGHT. Rome conquered the known world with might. They motivated their own people with celebration of their might. As we study activities of the Romans we see that they constantly were displaying their might with celebration and jubilee. Many people today follow their example by being “party people.” Everybody likes a good party. The Romans set the stage for the rest of the world.

The Worldview of Athens
Athens can be characterized by its intellect. Athens enjoyed “POWER.” Athens worshiped the power of their intellect, the power of mathematics, of science, of philosophy, of their feeble democracy and of sports. They were famous workaholics. They dedicated the power of their brain to developing the power of their mind. Athens has passed its worldview along to many members of western culture today.

The Worldview of Jerusalem
Jerusalem is the only worldview source, whose information originates within Monotheism. God alone is the source of all information and he therefore gets it right. God is the God of absolute truth, and he alone provides real truth.

God’s truth about worldview is "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6

In one simple statement of fact God makes it clear that Rome does not have the answer in using might. Athens does not have the answer by using power of the intellect. God then provides the answer, which is, fashion your worldview by connecting your spirit to my Holy Spirit.

What God is really saying here is. You cannot build a worthy worldview by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. To build a worldview like Jesus did you must eat from the tree of life. Jesus had created this worldview for himself when he was only 12 years old.

Thursday, June 5, 2008



How to mentor as Jesus did.
Make every effort to get to know the things that Jesus knew.
Start with the scripture Luke 2:46-52.
Pick a small section of it for a in depth study.
Read it over many times.
Keep saying it in your mind and meditate on what it means.
Let God speak to you about a deeper understanding of its meaning.
Jesus later taught Matthew how to be effective in understanding truth. Practice now so you can be efficient later.
As an example use Luke 2:46 "they found him in the temple courts."

· Jesus was both “Son of Man,” and “Son of God.”
· He confined himself here to learning as a human like you.
· He knew that truth will be found in the temple.
· He took God's Word as truth.
· Determined now to take God's Word for yourself as truth.

An important truth that Jesus will need later, when he confronts Matthew is written by
Rev. W. Peter Gadsby B.Sc., B.D.

The Tree of Life stood in the centre of the Garden of Eden which elsewhere is called ‘The Garden of the LORD’ (Genesis 2:16–17). It was a real tree, to be sure, but let me suggest that it was also symbolic of the fact that God was, and is, the source of eternal life and blessing. Adam and Eve were to have their life centred in Him, even as the Tree was in the centre of His Garden.

Other parts of the Bible also mention The Tree of Life.
In Ezekiel 47:12 we read of trees whose ‘fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing’.
This image is taken up also in Revelation 22:2.

It is clear particularly in Proverbs where a number of things are referred to as ‘a tree of life’ (wisdom (3:15), the fruit of the righteous (11:30), desire fulfilled (13:12), and a soothing tongue (15:4)) that the Tree of Life in these references symbolises that which brings joy and healing to people.